Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This year I had the incredible honor of being the JV Girls Volleyball coach. Though I had never coached professionally before I thought that my level of skill and experience with this favorite sport of mine would be sufficient to guide me through a month long coaching stint. Though I was nervous at first and full of some initial self-doubt, this experience was one of the most wonderful, challenging and rewarding I've ever had in my life. I learned so much and forged incredible bonds with a group of young women who will forever be a part of my life. As opposed to me "coaching" them or "telling"them what to do, I felt more like a nurturing mother guiding them and inspiring them to work hard and find joy everything. As always, it wasn't just about the volleyball.

We had a fun but short season. We started off so strong -- winning most of our games and taking GOLD in our local tournament competition. However, by the time our Inter-Kingdom tournament rolled around at the end of October, we were pretty worn down and exhausted. After losing several of our players to prior commitments and injuries, we ended up only taking fourth in our second but last tournament in Yanbu. The girls learned a lot from the experience. They were obviously heartbroken at their loss, but learned to accept their shortcomings and focused on keeping their spirits high even in defeat. They never stopped smiling and I never stopped being proud of them.

I learned a great deal too. Though at first I felt like a failure as a coach, I quickly realized that I couldn't get down on myself....all my energies had to be channeled into lifting up my girls' spirits and making them feel better as opposed to feeling sorry for myself. It was a humbling experience and I feel I am a stronger person because of it.

My Beautiful Front Line Ready to Play!

Being Responsible for 9 Teenager Girls By Myself on A Flight in a Country That Stifles Female Independence...
Totally Wasn't Nervous...
Girls -- Keep Those Abayas ON!!!!! 

Studying Hard Between Games (I didn't even have to tell them too!)

  The "Lovely" Yanbu Scenery

- Thank You Girls -

Monday, October 29, 2012

Early Days Thoughts and Comments

Below are some excerpts from emails I wrote to friends and family members during my first few days and weeks in Riyadh....

They were written very quickly and weren't intended to be particularly inspirational or well-written but my hope is that they are able to illustrate my initial thoughts and feelings during those first few weeks of life in Riyadh. Those first few weeks went by so quickly I can barely remember them now. Flashes of sunrises, parties, Arabic billboards, swimming pools, abayas, smiles, sand dunes and palm trees flood my vision but one constant holds steady: my supreme state of bliss and ecstasy.

From an email sent to a small group of friends and family members:

"Hey family, friends and loved ones --
Sorry to be sending this email to you en masse. I've only got a temporary slow-speed internet router for now until my regular internet gets set up so I need to use up my internet time efficiently. 

Just wanted to let you all know that I have arrived safe and sound in Riyadh. I am in absolute heaven right now. The plane journey was such a breeze (no one sitting next to me on both flights, yes). Bags safetly delivered, no passport or customs troubles and a quick and fast pickup at the airport from the entire AIS-R administrative team. They all greeted us with signs and pom poms. Yes...pom poms!!

My villa is ENORMOUS!! I felt like that kid in home alone when he realizes he has the big house all to himself, I sprinted and danced around the place for a good while once I arrived. I'm in villa 312 A. Don't have my cell number memorized yet but I'll get that to you soon. 

I couldn't sleep last night due to jetlag (and major excitment and disbelief) so I went for a lovely little walk around the compound at 4 am and was welcomed by the booming echoing music of prayer call. It was oddly comforting and familiar.

I honestly could write pages and pages more but all you need to know is this: I am in absolute paradise. I'm nice and toasty warm. I'm surrounded by so much positivity and support and enthusiasm. I'm living in an absolutely enormous villa with absolutely EVERYTHING a girl could need. Washer, dryer, fridge, iron, cleaning products, basic food supplies, fresh fruit, peanut butter, lots of cookware (no lemon zester though Steph...) and just peace of mind."

From an email to my Aunt Stephanie: 


I wish so badly that you could see this. It is truly the most inspiring school I have ever seen or even heard of. This really doesn't even have anything to do with Saudi or my past here....this school has absolutely transformed into a mecca of learning, inspiration, leadership and passion. I have never been so warmly welcomed by a group of humans before. I is overwhelming, but in a good way.

The superintendent has been at almost every workshop, every meeting and has even come into my classroom 3 times already this week. I think the superintendent of Chelsea only came into my classroom twice in two years! I also doubt she knew more than my name (if even that)....

I am the little queen bee around here though as a result of the fact that I went to AIS-R and that I am so young. I am quite sure that I am the youngest employee in this school. There is a secretary in HR who is 25 and a drama teacher who is 25, so its close....but still...Oddly enough I don't really feel like "a baby" (as so many people like to refer to me as). Everyone is just fascinated by me and my childhood and what has led me to come to AIS-R. Its pretty amazing and I feel so happy and confident every day that I'm here. You really need to see this administrative team, it is phenomenal. They are all so supportive of one another, their teachers and the school in general. They are energetic and passionate and upbeat and really put every ounce of their being into their work. They "lead with the heart" as I heard one teacher say and that's exactly what the superintendent and all his principals do.

Unfortunately we do have a day of work tomorrow, its just some meetings, a workshop and some hours of planning/prep time. Then we have all day Friday off. Still not sure what I'm going to do yet....Riyadh has been pretty dead recently because of Ramadan and Eid (stores are closed and most people stay indoors) but I think the holiday is over by Friday. Would love to go to the souks but I don't think many other people go there that much...may just have to hire a driver for a day. I think it would be worth it."

From an email to my Dad:

"I am DEADDDD today. We had a huge open house for parents from 7 to 9 and as you know, I'm only used to Parent night at Chelsea being so chill and doing pretty much nothing but have these nice calm one-on-one conferences. Yesterday, I didn't sit down for the entire two hours! I was talking non-stop to parents. Brian even popped his head in once when I was with one of the Al Saud fathers and was like", Ms. Gramolini, there's line down the hall that wants to speak to you!!!" It was just insane. I mean, amazing, but insane....all the parents care so much about their kids and like me so much (apparently I'm quite popular already). It was so amazing. So so so amazing to have parents that trust me and want the best for their kids. I even had a two princes (fathers) tell me how impressed they were with me! So crazy, but extremely validating. I felt bad though because I was kind of lying to one of the Al Saud's...his son has some pretty extreme and serious learning needs but they won't admit that. They think he's a lovely little genius and I was just like "yeah....he's really special". 

Then of course, I got up this morning at 5 am to work out. I'm making myself do it every morning because after school I'm just exhausted and its so sunny and beautiful out that I don't want to go to the gym, I'd rather just go to the pool, so I workout every morning at 5 am. I'm getting used to it now, but it does make me a sleep kitty. There's a couple other teachers that get up that early to work out too (Peter!!) so it keeps me motivated because we keep each other in check...

That being said, I need to get back to prepping lessons. I am LOVING this 90 minute block scheduling. I thought I would hate it, but these kids are intelligent and patient and can actually remain engaged for the full 90 minutes. I thought I would be struggling to fill the block, but its actually going by so quickly. I'm still in such a blur though....a good blur, like I can't believe things at this school are as incredible and together as they really are. Sorry I'm bragging so much about AIS-R. I'm just in a suspended state of disbelief...."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saudi Souks

Saudi Souks (or open markets) are my most favorite place to be.

Markets in general, but Saudi Souks in particular.

There is so much to see and discover and be amazed by. There are factory-made fabrications of relics in one stall and one of a kind original creations in the next. Behind every curtain is a mini-paradise waiting to be explored.

Those of you who know me know that "heckling" for prices is not really my thing. In fact I HATE talking about money (in either a positive or a negative way). It is my goal this upcoming weekend when I go to the Kuwaiti Souk (not sure why its called "Kuwaiti" since it is in Riyadh) is to argue a price of an item. Even if I bring him down 10 riyals (the equivalent of a few bucks) I will consider it worth it.

Wish me luck.

Here are some photos from my last adventure to the souks. You have to be very sneaky with your camera since these guys don't like being photographed. All these photos were taken surreptitiously with my iPhone and I was terrified upon taking every shot. They hardly do the souks justice, but they bring back fond memories and will hopefully allow for one's imagination to start stirring.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


So it begins....

....the start of my new life here in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

In Writing.

It feels like only yesterday that I was offered this dream job. What started off as a casual dinner with an old family friend at the Legal Seafoods Restaurant in the Westin Hotel in Boston quickly turned into a life changing opportunity. I honestly have not been able to stop smiling since February. Keeping this job a secret for so many months was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I was so worried that something was going to go wrong or my visa wouldn't get approved, or the school would rescind their offer, but sure enough here I months later, living my dream.

It has taken me a good long month (ok, two) to get myself settled into life in Riyadh but it is slowly shaping itself into normalcy. Alright, no, not really. Not a single day here has ever felt "normal". I am still very much in a honeymoon phase of bliss and joy. I've had a tough day or two since I've been here, but overall, I have been so incredibly happy and elated.
I know that I should have started this blog right away when I first arrived in Riyadh but as one can imagine, I was a little caught up in the joy and thrill of being here that I didn't have time to write down all that I was feeling.

That being said, I did send out numerous emails to various friends and family members keeping them apprised of my progress, feelings and adventures those first couple of weeks. It was by no means enough, but it was an attempt to record my thoughts and ideas and initial feelings as they were happening. I'm going to copy and paste some of those early emails in subsequent blog posts to try and capture those initial reactions and feelings upon my arrival to the magical kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

 Entry Card to the Kingdom

First Views of the Saudi Desert

(I could hardly breathe from joy and happiness)